Author Guidelines

  1. JELA accepts articles on literacy studies, language policy, language description (grammar), discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, language teaching, teacher training, language curriculum and material development, language acquisition, assessment, teaching methodologies, teaching and learning strategies, and the technology-related studies in language teaching and learning which have not been published elsewhere.

  2. To be considered for publication, manuscript should be typed in MS Word doc. format, using 12 size Times New Roman fonts, single-spaced on A4-size paper.

  3. Articles will be reviewed by designated reviewer(s), while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance.

  4. Article are to be written in essay style with a subheading for each part. The subheading system is as follows:

    • Level two : Capitals-Lowercase, Bold, Left justification
    • Level three : Capitals-Lowercase, Italic-bold, Left justification
  5. Non-research articles should contain: (a) Title; (b) Full name of contributor(s); (c) Abstract; (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Body text; and (g) References.

  6. Research report articles should include: a) Title; (b) Full name of contributor(s); (c) Abstract; (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction which includes research purpose; (f) Literature Review; (g) Method; (h) Findings and Discussion; (i) Conclusion and Suggestion; (j) References; (k) Appendix, if any.

  7. The references should conform to conventions established in the APA style (American Psychological Association), the seventh edition (check the basic tutorial of the APA style in https: // The following are some examples: Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of Language Teaching and Learning. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Thinker, M. A. (1975.Teaching Elementary Reading. New Jersey: Practice Hall. Inc. Grabe, W. (1995). Dilemmas for the Development of Second Language Reading Abilities in Prospect. Methodology in Language Teaching, 276–286.